

Überlube is uniquely designed to transfer sensation while safely reducing friction – never wet or sticky.


Step up your sexual health with and experience enhanced intimacy with überlube – a silicone-based premium lubricant for both men and women formulated to improve skin sensation while safely reducing friction.  This scentless, tasteless and non-staining gel reduces dryness and increases long-lasting lubricity with a smooth supple touch. Uberlube contains no trace of parabens, preservatives, and petrochemicals. As an added bonus, with its biostatic properties, überlube serves to stop the spread of bacteria during sexual intercourse. Made with body- and condom-friendly ingredients, überlube produces the highest quality personal lubricants formulated with high-grade body safe ingredients to increase the sensation of sexual activity.

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Signature Bottle (55 ml), Travel Size Bottle (15 ml)